Catholic Women's League of Saskatchewan
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The Catholic Women’s League was organized nationally in 1920 to unite Catholic women of Canada:


The Saskatchewan Provincial Council of the Catholic Women’s League was established in 1948.

  • To achieve individual and collective spiritual development
  • To promote the teachings of the Catholic Church
  • To exemplify the Christian ideal in home and family life.
  • To protect the sanctity of human life.
  • To enhance the role of women in church and society.
  • To recognize the human dignity of all people everywhere.
  • To uphold and defend Christian education and values in the modern world.
  • To contribute to the understanding and growth of religious freedom, social justice, peace and harmony.

The Catholic Women’s League of Canada is a powerful vehicle representing just over 77,000 Catholic Women, expressing their concerns and acting upon issues of the present time.


To a member, the League is a gift of faith, friendship, leadership development, support and affirmation.


The League is the blueprint for all Catholic women. Through standing committees, members feel the pulse of what is happening in church and society. The resolutions process promotes the rights and dignity of all persons.


The League gives members the opportunity to serve as Beatitude women "For God and Canada”.


Together we share our gifts and watch wonderful works happen.

Heavenly Father,


Through the ages, you have called many to serve you.

Abraham, Sarah and Samuel; Martha, Mary and Elizabeth,  

As well as countless men and women throughout the ages.

All were different, and each brought unique gifts to your service.

Now today, we too hear your call to come and follow, to bring our gifts to your service.

Help us, O Lord to make our reply, “Here I am Lord, Send me” with full and generous hearts,

in order that we may be your instruments in the building of your Kingdom.

We ask that you hear and answer our prayers through Christ our Lord.



Bishop Wayne Lobsinger